
基于陶瓷多孔结构的3 d打印使用有限元



a . Dieraert s Chupin c·桑切斯和贝尔维尔博士

东航,大坝,LE RIPAULT皮埃尔和玛丽居里大学法国巴黎(VI),法国

ScientificTracks抽象:启J垫。Sci >

DOI:10.4172 / 2321 - 6212 c1 - 014


Stereolithography-based加法制造(AM)正日益成为首选小系列的技术或单一的单位生产。它还允许material-by-design制造,主要关注对大多数材料化学家。最先进的三维(3 d)结构的有机-无机杂化材料将被描述,专注到结合3 d打印技术和溶胶-凝胶法将强调基于陶瓷材料制备。尽管可用3 d打印材料的光谱扩大近年来,仍然有缺乏基于陶瓷材料可以处理有限元在常规的基础上。许多陶瓷的熔点极高加法制造增加了挑战与金属和聚合物。因为陶瓷不能铸造或机加工容易,三维(3 d)印刷使一个大的飞跃的几何灵活性和组织架构。我们报告在合成新的陶瓷先驱体单体或无机沙粒加载树脂与紫外线固化有限元3 d打印机。热脱脂和烧结后一步变成致密陶瓷部分开放结构和收益最终属性,与均匀收缩和孔隙度控制。本文论述了关键工艺参数影响聚合的均匀性和结构质量。现在可以打印3 d结构与空间分辨率40μm,具有复杂形状和细胞结构。 The photosensible resin formulation is a key parameter to control the printing resolution, so the geometry of the final ceramic. Highly complex three-dimensional open microstructures have been theoretically designed to lead to the best agreement between thermal insulation properties and mechanical toughness. Experimental characterization and performances of the AM ceramic parts will be discussed with regard to high temperature super insulation material application, exhibiting high-stiff properties. Finally, scale-up of this combined approach is carefully considered. Recent Publications 1. Eckel, Z. C., et al., Additive manufacturing of polymer-derived ceramics. Science 2016, 351, 6268. 2. Hundley, J. M., et al., Geometric Characterization of Additively Manufactured Polymer Derived Ceramics. Additive Manufacturing 2017. 3. Zanchetta, E., et al., Stereolithography of SiOC Ceramic Microcomponents. Advanced Materials 2016, 28, (2), 370-376. 4. De Hazan, Y.; Penner, D., SiC and SiOC ceramic articles produced by stereolithography of acrylate modified polycarbosilane systems. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2017. 5. Schmidt, J.; Colombo, P., Digital light processing of ceramic components from polysiloxanes. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2017.


阿克塞尔Dieraert获得硕士学位2016年蒙彼利埃大学无机化学,在法国(主要的推广,专业“多孔材料,划分系统和薄层”)。自2017年以来,他是博士生在东航Le Ripault(“粮食l 'Energie Atomique等辅助能源替代方案”),菲利普·贝尔维尔的指导下(Le Ripault CEA -博士生导师)和克莱门特桑切斯(UPMC巴黎——科学顾问)。本论文的目的是开发新材料基于有限元的高温绝缘陶瓷材料。
