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Wave scattering by many small impedance particles and creating materials with a desired refraction coeffcient

14thInternational Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science and Engineering

November 13-15, 2017 | Las Vegas, USA

Alexander G Ramm

Kansas State University, USA

ScientificTracks Abstracts:Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci



The theory of acoustic and electromagnetic (EM) wave scattering by one and many small impedance particles of arbitrary shapes is developed. The basic assumptions are: a << d <<λ, where ‘a’ is the characteristic size of particles, ‘d’ smallest distance between neighboring ‘λ’ wavelength. this theory allows one to give a recipe for creating materials with desired refraction can create material negative refraction: group velocity in this directed opposite phase velocity. • one permeability. equation derived em field medium which many small impedance particles are embedded. similar results obtained [6] heat transfer media distributed. the presented talk developed [1]-[6]. references: 1. a.g.ramm, scattering acoustic and electromagnetic waves by bodies arbitrary shapes. applications new engineered materials, momentum press, new york, 2013. 2. many-body wave scattering problems case scatterers, j. appl. math comput., (jamc), 41, n1, (2013),473-500. 3. nano-wires, mathematics, 1, (2013), 89-99. open access journal: http: journal mathematics 4. wave bodies: transmission boundary conditions, reports on math. physics, 71, n3, 279-290. 5. perfectly conducting or bodies, phys. (jmp), 56, n9, 091901, (2015). 6. heat complex medium, in book "the foundation chaos revisited: from poincare recent advances", editor c. skiadas, springer, 2016, pp. 119-136. < p>


A.G.Ramm was born in USSR and emigrated to USA in 1979. he is a US citizen, professor of mathematics at KSU, an author of more than 660 papers in mathematical and physical Journals, of 15 monographs, and an editor of 3 books. His scientific interests include differential and integral equations, operator theory, mathematical physics, especially scattering theory and inverse problems, numerical analysis, especially methods for solving ill-posed problems, various problems of applied mathematics and theoretical engineering. Professor A.G.Ramm was awarded many honors, including Fulbright Research Professorships in Israel and Ukraine, Mercator Professorship, NATO and DAAD professorships and grants, Khwarizmi international award, distinguished professorships in some countries and distinguished lectureships of London Mathematical Society and Hong Kong Mechanical society, and many other honors and awards. He gave invited plenary talks at many conferences throughout the world.

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