


,2017年9月07-08 |苏格兰爱丁堡

彼得亚雷Kwasniak Donata Kuczynska, Agata Sotniczuk,雅罗斯瓦夫对于和夏莲娜Garbacz


海报和接受抽象:启J垫。Sci >,

DOI:10.4172 / 2321 - 6212 c1 - 006


进行听力筛查是轻量级的,移动胶囊。在这种情况下,符合特定的环境条件,特别是声学,需要选择合适的吸声材料。材料的分配到组的吸声材料取决于吸收系数的值。吸声材料应该和吸收系数α> 0,1在任何频率、材料的特点是能够实现高孔隙度或高表面穿孔。这种类型的材料包括现代分层材料和三明治结构为“蜂巢”类型。在提到的应用程序中,这些材料的力学性能也很重要除了吸声特性。本研究提出了系统比较常用和商用建筑复合材料。两个分析复合材料的分层和三明治结构,通常用作轻型建筑元素,因为他们独特的属性和有利的重量和挠曲强度比例。分析了复合材料,表现出高吸收的声音。分析了复合材料的机械和表面性质的表征。 Special emphasis was placed on the characteristic of the connection between composite structural components. For this purpose, the following methods were used: scanning electron microscopy, optical profilometry, contact angle measurements and 3-point bending. Presented systematic analysis will be useful to select appropriate materials for lightweight constructions. The main results if the study can be summarized in the following conclusions. 1) Both composites demonstrate that they are several times more rigid compared to commonly used polymer composites. 2) Comparative analysis revealed many times higher mechanical properties of the sandwich structured panels compared to layered composites. 3) Studies showed that layered composite is characterize by the absence of delimitation of the lightweight panel. The results show high potential of the analyzed composites as lightweight construction materials with simultaneous sound absorption.


Donata Kuczynska是一个博士生,她的专业知识评估材料的表面性质,特别是在生物材料。她的主要兴趣是钛表面的相互作用与血浆蛋白(白蛋白、纤粘连蛋白)和细胞。她处理综合表征表面的物理化学性质如:化学成分、粗糙度、地形、润湿性和表面自由能。她有经验在表面分析技术- AFM原子力显微镜,光学Profilmetry, XPS能谱、钻AES谱和傅里叶红外光谱。目前她正在激光表面纹理钛及其合金。
