


,2018年9月04-06 |苏黎世瑞士



ScientificTracks抽象:启J垫。Sci >

DOI:10.4172 / 2321 - 6212 c3 - 020


由于他们的低重量、高机械性能,碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)用于航空航天、汽车和国防工业。金属零件相比,他们可以减少总质量但不能减少静电放电或防止雷击。因此,一个新的挑战是找到一个方法来提高碳纤维增强塑料的导电率,尤其是在其厚度。最有前途的想法是利用碳纳米管(碳纳米管),也显示不仅高导电性,良好的导热性和机械强度,同时保持低密度。有许多不同的方法将碳纳米管引入碳纤维增强塑料在制造业。其中一个方法是混合树脂注入问粉之前执行。然而,树脂粘度显著增加的碳纳米管的存在使得注入过程困难。另一种方法是共价键结合碳纳米管在碳面料。一个更方便的方法是应用纳米产品,如热塑性无纺布含碳纳米管(CNT-doped面纱)。第一个制造方法包括纤维的生产及其热粘合; the second way is direct melt blowing of thermoplastic polymers doped with CNTs. Implementation of both types of non-woven fabrics in CFRP as inter layers by prepreg and resin infusion results in good impregnation. When compared to the reference CFRP, the addition of CNTs increases the electrical volume conductivity throughout the panel thickness by as much as 350%. The obtained results are very promising for the further application of CFRP with CNTs as novel, lightweight and conductive structures for the replacement of metallic parts in many industrial sectors. Recent Publications: 1. Gaztelumendi I, Chapartegui M, Seddon R, Florez S, Pons F and Cinquin J (2017) Enhancement of electrical conductivity of composite structures by integration of carbon nanotubes via bulk resin and/or bucky paper films. Composites Part B: Engineering 122:31-40. 2. Lopes P E, van Hattum F, Pereira C M C, et al., (2010) High CNT content composites with CNT bucky paper and epoxy resin matrix: Impregnation behavior composite production and characterization. Composite Structures 92(6):1291- 1298. 3. Akcin Y, Karakaya S and Soykasap O (2016) Electrical, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of CNT Treated Prepreg CFRP Composites. Materials Sciences and Applications 7(9):465-483. 4. Islam M S, Deng Y, Tong L, et al., (2016) Grafting carbon nanotubes directly onto carbon fibers for superior mechanical stability: Towards next generation aerospace composites and energy storage applications. Carbon 96:701-710.


安娜Boczkowska副教授在材料科学与工程学院在波兰华沙大学的技术。她已经完成了她的毕业教师1989年和2000年完成了她的博士学位,2011年DSc。她的科学经验是有关处理和结构的聚合物基复合材料,纳米复合材料和智能材料和工业背景超过15年的聚合物和复合材料的发展和应用。她是许多国际组织的成员(例如,ACS, AAAS,学报)》一书的作者众多科学出版物,书籍和专利。

