


,2018年9月04-06 |苏黎世瑞士

Takako Konoike


海报和接受抽象:启J垫。Sci >

DOI:10.4172 / 2321 - 6212 c3 - 021


问题的声明:由于石墨烯的发现,它吸引了极大的兴趣,因为电子在石墨烯表现得像无质量的狄拉克费米子。它显示了独特的班轮色散导致的异常行为。已经认识到,狄拉克费米子体系也意识到在有机导体我±- (BEDT-TTF) 2 i3在高压力。这个系统是由有机分子BEDT-TTF和无机阴离子I3。这些分子堆积或者导电和绝缘的,形成一个多层次的结构层,分别。利用其大部分性质,实验研究了狄拉克费米子在这个化合物的物理性质。在高磁场,与自旋电流特征边缘状态样本边缘是理论上预测。通过使用微/纳米晶体,其中包含大量的边缘,我们旨在观察这个系统的边缘状态的证据。方法:微/纳米晶体生长的我±——(BEDT-TTF) 2 i3是基于纳米电结晶是由使用Nano-Wire制造装备,岩田聪玻璃实业有限公司,有限公司,所使用的电极进行了晶体生长在硅衬底300纳米二氧化矽。铂电极沉积在一个蒙面衬底和5我¼差距是由光刻。 The substrate was set into a saturated THF solution of above two molecules. DC current was applied between the electrodes at 20°C in incubator during 24 h. Findings: The typical crystal obtained by this method is shown in Figure 2. The shape of the grown micro-crystal resembles with that grown by usual electrocrystallization. The surface of the crystal is almost flat and specularly reflected suggesting that the crystal is high purity. Conclusion: By using the nano-scale electro-crystallization, we could obtain high purity micro-crystals. We will study this micro-crystal to detect the evidence of the edge state and spin current. Recent Publications: 1. Katayama S, Kobayashi A and Suzumura Y (2006) Pressure-induced zero-gap semiconducting state in organic conductor α-(BEDT-TTF) 2I3 salt. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 75(5):054705. 2. Osada T, Uchida K and Konoike T (2011) Magneto transport of massless Dirac fermions in multilayer organic conductors. Journal of Physics 334: 012049. 3. Konoike T, Uchida K and Osada T (2012) Specific heat of the multilayered massless Dirac fermion system. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81:043601. 4. Konoike T, Sato M, Uchida K and Osada T (2013) Anomalous thermoelectric transport and giant Nernst effect in multilayered massless Dirac fermion system. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 82(7):073601.


Takako Konoike专长评估和她激情在改善各种测量压力和晶体生长的有机导体,特别是有机狄拉克费米子体系α- (BEDT-TTF) 2 i3。我们测量了有机狄拉克费米子的比热和热发电系统在高压力。我们已经成功地获得第一个比热的实验结果狄拉克费米子和观察巨人能斯特效应反映的本质zero-mode朗道的水平,这是狄拉克费米子体系的特征。从这些结果,我们可以得出结论,高纯度有机晶体可以为实验研究提供一个理想的试验场的狄拉克费米子。

