


,2018年9月04-06 |苏黎世瑞士

V Gayathri,五子棋K和Sabulal婴儿


ScientificTracks抽象:启J垫。Sci >

DOI:10.4172 / 2321 - 6212 c3 - 020


积雪草的是一个高价值的药用植物广泛分布在热带和亚热带地区。主要的活动原则是asiaticoside和madecassoside。这些化合物都有广泛的生物活性。植物是著名的标签内存助推器和它显示neuropharmacological活动。的脑靶向药物是非常具有挑战性的。之前的研究表明,大脑内的穿透性的药物是有限的大脑由于防御机制的存在。自由扩散换位的间质大脑受到复杂解剖血脑屏障(BBB)。可怜的溶解度和低渗透性的药物进入大脑的主要缺点是相关的神经药理学研究。为了克服这些限制nanovehicles。提高药物的渗透到网站的行动进行了使用纳米输送系统。 The brain permeability is a risk factor for a drug to exhibit therapeutic effects at a target site. The main objective of our study focuses on the development of a novel drug-based nanoparticle for the effective brain targeted delivery. Ionic gelation method was used for the encapsulation of asiaticoside into the chitosan alginate nanoparticle. Physicochemical and Biological characterization: The physical and chemical characterization study was done by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), size distribution measurements using dynamic light scattering (DLS), surface morphology by scanning electron microscopy, internal structure by transmission electron microscopy and nature of the particle were analyzed by X-ray diffraction. The thermal characteristics were studied using thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). Interfacing the nanoparticles with glioma cells showed significant death of the cells. The work concludes that Chitosan asiaticoside nanoparticles are potential remedy for the second level treatment of glioma. Recent Publications: 1. Viswanathan Gayathri, Varma Harikrishnan and Parayanthala Valappil Mohanan (2016) Integration of rabbit adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells to hydroxyapatite burr hole button device for bone interface regeneration. International Journal of Biomaterials; ID 1067857: 9. doi.org/10.1155/2016/1067857. 2. Gayathri V and Mohanan P V (2015) Induction of immunotoxicity and oxidative stress of imidazole on immune cells. Applied Cell Biology; 4(2): 045-055.


V Gayathri资深科学家在植物化学和植物药理学的贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁热带植物园和研究所,特里凡得琅,喀拉拉邦,印度。她取得了学士和硕士Bharathidasan大学的生物化学,泰米尔纳德邦,印度。她获得博士学位贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁热带植物园和研究所(原热带植物园和研究所)和生物技术中心拉吉夫·甘地印度特里凡得琅。她一直从事各种研究活动作为纳米——材料化学博士后研究员生物医学技术,Sree Chitra Tirunal医学科学研究所和技术,印度。她的专长领域包括毒理学分析各种材料/药品/纳米粒子在各种类型的细胞和组织工程生物材料。她有10年的经验领域的纳米材料化学和毒理学和她的专业范畴是绿色纳米化学。她20研究论文信贷在同行评议的期刊。

