



临床、随机和前瞻性的试验,没有眩目的,在两个基本卫生单元在一个内部城市圣保罗的状态。这项研究旨在评估的教育干预的影响血糖的自我监控(SMBG)代谢控制。总共有91糖尿病患者参加,招募从家里毛细管血液血糖自我监测计划。两组参与者形成:一组参加了在家SMBG程序和常规治疗(对照组),而另一组参加了SMBG在家和教育的干预(干预组)。总共有12个会议,每个对话三个地图在糖尿病的控制,在2011年和2012年四个月。为分析,两种非参数测试。皮尔森的x平方分布和费舍尔的确切的测试是用于比较的比例。另一方面,线性趋势的chisquare测试是用来评估之间的比例增加或减少的趋势序数变量。分析,显著性统计5%的水平(p≤0.05)。类似的特征可以观察到当比较两组的结果。 Most part of participants were females, married, with an average age of 62.1 years old and schooling from four to seven years of study. In the intervention group, an improvement was observed in the following measures: body mass index, abdominal circumference, diastolic blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. The control group showed improvement in measures of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Moreover, an increase on the values of glycated hemoglobin was observed in both groups. It was observed that there was not statistical significant improvement of the metabolic control. However, it was possible to confirm that an educative intervention for SMBG at home presented a clinical significance, which in turn, resonates in a special way on the health of participants. The study was registered with the Clinical Trials Registry under number NCT01475422.

维维安Saraiva维拉,法瑞斯弗朗西斯科Januario佩雷拉球场,Marcio弗拉维奥莫拉De Araujo卡拉Regina De Souza特谢拉和玛丽亚·露西亚萨内蒂

