



文摘:温室作物生产增加随着消费者需求的增加,特别是在地区自然气候更加敌视所需的生产。但是,没有评估现有设施目前存在的可持续性,并有足够的消费者需求评估这从种子到架子上。本研究的目的是评估当前系统的可持续性在北美。这是通过各种可持续性或S-score方程的发展。这份报告集中在温室观测设施的安全措施和具体因素影响随后的成绩。大约20 hoophouse和温室设施在公共和私人部门自愿为这些方程提供数据。每个设备被分配一个地区:佛罗里达,东北、中西部、西北和西南。关键参数是根据四大类基于组织经济、环境、社会和安全方面。每个类别被分配一个重量。每个重量是可持续发展纳入主方程系数。 The final value was an “S-score” for each facility. The facilities ranged in size from seasonal, single-house hoophouse to large facilities ranking in the top 10 for indoor agricultural production. Additionally, facilities with either or both vegetable and ornamental production participated in this study. Overall, greenhouse facilities were found to have a range of S-scores. Note : This is work is presenting at 9th International Conference on Global Warming and Environmental Science ( Global Warming -2020 webinar ) on Aug 10-11, 2020. Biography Jaime has served as the chair of the Renewable Energy Committee for the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and the Farm and Family Leisure Committee for the International Society of Agricultural Health and Safety. He has previously held positions at the United Nation Environment Program (UNEP) where he assisted in the development of the publication “Environmental Indicator for North America” and attended Congressional hearings on behalf of UNEP. He also interned with the United States Department of Agriculture and has worked with the Buccleuch Rangers in Scotland. He also was a member of the highly acclaimed University of Minnesota Solar Vehicle Project. Jaime’ s work at the University of Illinois has involved the development of health and safety procedures for breweries, wineries, grain bins and greenhouses.

Jaime Thissen

