ISSN: 2319 - 9873
研究了厌氧消化(AD)工艺。AD反应器属于UASB(上流式厌氧污泥包层)类型,它是在挪威Skien的一个典型的挪威农场(Foss农场)建造的。这个反应堆是用牛粪喂养的。该过程分为预处理和AD、硝化和后处理两个不同的部分。沼气和堆肥为第一段产量,液肥为第二段产量。本文有两个核心部分:能量/质量流的确定和CO2减排评估。研究表明,能源消耗大于产量。辐射损失是消耗能量中最重要的项,但可以通过改变绝缘和/或反应堆形状来减少辐射损失。该试验工厂的平均能耗和热产量分别为1592千瓦时/年和482千瓦时/年。露天站立的牛粪的二氧化碳排放量是值得注意的。 Two different probable situations are analyzed: processed manure and not processed manure. The reduction of carbon dioxide releases in the first case, compared to the second, is significant and goes from 32% to 83%. It could be possible to reduce energetic consumption up to 18% halving radiation losses and raise energetic production up to 250% by increasing the methane yield from 20% to 50% of the maximum value.