



耐多药生物的发生率更高(MDRO)被发现在2013年和2014年伊丽莎白医院的重症监护室。集群的耐多药(MDR)肠杆菌泄殖腔和枸橼酸杆菌属freundii被发现。这些样本来自水槽在病人的房间。干预措施实施后消毒虹吸管,局势似乎在控制之中一段6个月。然而,在2014年1月,3 ICU患者被发现是殖民统治的一个相同的MDR肠杆菌泄殖腔。随着筛选的进展,这是决定代表MDR枸橼酸杆菌属freundii,殖民还发现的病人。从2013年2月至2014年8月期间,22患者感染MDRO。环境筛选表明,洗手盆MDRO感染。这导致一系列MDRO的程序。1。 Hand hygiene (renew good practice) 2. Preventive, antiseptic washing of patients with 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate (chg) washcloths sage 3. Adjusted use of sink in patients’ rooms 4. Isolation in line with regulations of infection control 5. Replacement of siphons in patients’ room; weekly disinfection of siphons with chlorine solution of 300ppm 6. Type and screen of MDRO at admittance and discharge The purpose of the research and the set of measurements put in place was to halt the spread of MDR Enterobacter cloacae and MDR Citrobacter freundii from sink to patient and from patient to patient. The research took place from September 2014 until March 2015. The measurements taken resulted in a halt of the outbreak. Spreading of identical MDRO was no longer detected.

