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引入弹性的研究方法产生尊重和价值为人类的能力和乐观的未来,而同时承认存在的不良生活(Grotberg;1995年,Masten & Tellegen 2012)。领域的心理学、弹性的概念正在调查自1980年代以来,导致心理健康实践的新范式(张,李,邝Ungar &张,2010年)。研究弹性的概念是一个副产品的研究领域的逆境,急性不同人群所面临的风险和慢性疾病(kumpf Garmezy, 1971年,1999年;马斯腾空间,2011)。辩论的同质影响某些严重的危险因素和积极因素对高危人群的影响导致学术审查。线性弹性韧性学术文献,理解各种弹性框架提供了一个盘,合并和复杂的现象概念(Luthar、Cicchetti &贝克尔,2000;沃尔什,2002,马斯坦,2013)。不可避免地,我们进入这个领域设置是由弹性研究的不连贯的概念是建立在三大支柱)风险指标和冒险的生活事件b)保护性因素和保护生活事件积极成果。这种理解了我们的调查义务虽和线性。 The research questions were formulated considering the uncurled theorization of resilience. Conclusion This paper explained four predominant methodological challenges experienced while conceptualizing and conducting a resilience study conducted during the year 2015-2017 (Author, Date, Details Withheld for Peer Review). We primarily documented the methodological concerns based on the field observations that involved adolescent participants aged 12-16 years. A community learning centre at Janta Nagar, Mumbai, India, identified as a slum dwelling community was located as the field setting. Data collection methods involved five FGDs with twenty five participants and ten in-depth interviews with five males and five female participants. Aimed at understanding the construct of resilience, the empirical study adapted a qualitative phenomenological approach with a narrative inquiry nested within the same. We expressed issues and challenges while formulating this particular study. Diverse manifestations of these challenges were explained in detail in resonance to certain documented examples.

Vaidehi Chilwarwar
