



文摘:有某些原因在体内血凝块,在研究我发现五个原因损坏的身体的不同部位的血液凝块。由于沉重的饮食,嫉妒与强大的铁和蛋白质饮食、酸、铁蛋白使用一个化学过程;化学反应的原因在9复合组件,因为这个化合物影响肾脏。有肾脏影响化学反应和上面的是尿酸正常(价值3.5),但如果分增加7.0将跨境安全线发现原因血凝块的开始。症状1。钒金属2。铁金属3。Netterm pha 4。银金属5。五个不同的酸添加一个。酸Uricum b。酸苯丙酸丁d。酸氟石的e。酸中草酸的研究相同的基的血凝块出生,和在同一理论我发明了药溶解血凝块,不同身体部位的血液冻结血凝块。 The big artery blood transferred blood in fine small arteries, this is because blood clots are formed in the large arteries big arteries need blood pressure is required to transfer blood into small different arteries. The blood pressure near the five fine small arteries 0.010 neno second blood speed will decrease, for the same reason blood clot in the large artery of freezing find time. 1. blood clot 2. Brain clot. 3. Heart clot. 4. pancreas blood clots 5. Kidneys clot. 6. Leg clot. My claim is within 30 to 90 days all blood clots are dissolve and the uric acid will became normal. The kidneys will refine the blood better and extra waste will be removed through kidneys and lungs.
