基于角色的访问控制适用于调节已知用户对资源的访问。然而,这些传统模型往往被认为不适合开放和分散的多中心系统。用户数量是动态的。所有用户的身份都不知道提前。云计算正在成为信息技术中一个新兴的、有发展前景的领域。它为组织提供服务,使其能够根据网络中的服务需求进行扩展或缩小。云计算服务是由拥有基础设施的第三方建立和提供的。云计算有很多好处,但是由于安全问题和云带来的挑战,大多数组织都担心接受它。企业级所需的安全需求,强制设计解决信息使用的组织和分布式方面的模型。这些模型需要安全策略来保护存储在云中的信息免受未经授权的访问和修改。 To protect the privacy of data it is stored in the cloud, cryptographic role-based access control (RBAC). These schemes have been developed to ensure that data can be accessed by only those who are allowed by access policies. In this project we are proposing trust model to improve the security for stored data in cloud. The proposed trust models provide approach for the data owner and users to determine the individual role. We present a design of a trust-based cloud storage system it shows how the trust models can be integrated into a system that uses cryptographic RBDAC schemes.