



洪水是世界上最常见的一种灾害,造成的生命损失,生活和财产破坏。本研究的目的是审查和综合概念和技术的洪水风险、脆弱性和风险评估,参照喜马拉雅地区。洪水风险是一个函数和一个产品的风险和脆弱性。洪水和洪水的影响(发病缓慢和快速发作)事件在特定网站可以反映出关键的社会经济因素和环境服务,像许多人面临风险,影响生态服务和人口的能力恢复。风险评估是重要的决策、政策和管理洪水。使用棱镜方法的文献综述,120篇文章检索使用PubMed和谷歌学术搜索数据库。90篇文章被包括在初步审查。30被排除在审查读完整个文章的内容,因为他们不匹配的目标文献综述和入选标准。洪水灾害评估技术是基于各种参数如气象、水文和社会经济。有四个重要的步骤在洪水风险评估等特征,确定危险程度和强度,评估脆弱性和风险。 Recently, advancement in GIS, remote sensing and hydraulic modeling technology has been extensively used in formulating models used for flood hazard calculation and risk analysis. The occurrence of floods in mountainous regions are now more common related to past and in future it seem more frequent due global warming. Community based flood warning systems can go a long way in helping rural communities, as well as flood management agencies, to prepare for flash floods. The enhancement of community resilience through socioeconomic empowerment and strengthened adaptive capacity can pay a vital role in flood disaster management.

Karamat阿里*,罗山M Bajracharya表示,利德Lal柯伊拉腊Farida弄污
