

哈米德。F.哈米德·奥马尔1, Kamarudin Saadan2奥萨马·S·哈马德3.
  1. 博士学位。学生,科学技术学院(USIM),班达巴鲁尼莱,马来西亚
  2. 博士,科学与技术学院(USIM),班达巴鲁尼莱,马来西亚
  3. 电气及电子工程博士。,Higher Institute of Professional Abilities Building (HIPAB), Brega, Libya







在发展中国家采用电子商务的理念还处于早期阶段,似乎在互联网用户的发展和文化理解方面还需要做很多工作。然而,在最发达的消费市场,在连接、支付能力、配送、在线购物意愿、信用卡所有权、在线购买的其他支付方式以及实体配送的可及性方面都面临严重限制。虽然,一些国家在互联网基础设施上投入了大量资金,但仍然没有获得明显的收益,而其他国家,如印度和中国,则受益显著。目前的论文研究将试图通过确定发展中国家(如利比亚)采用电子商务的驱动因素和障碍来调查这种缺乏效益的原因。但是,由于利比亚继承了发展中国家的大部分特点,因此将被用作试验案例。因此,需求分析中需要的数据将用于利比亚环境。目前这项研究的意义在于,据研究人员所知,以前的研究尚未在利比亚进行。因此,本研究将讨论的主要问题之一是如何提高电子商务的可用性,以提高利比亚组织和行业在线销售产品的比率。除此之外,电子商务应用的可靠性差是利比亚公司打算在线销售产品的主要挑战之一。尽管利比亚有几家提供电子商务的网站没有为购物者提供安全保障或可靠的在线销售入口,但这些公司需要在有效应用程序和了解影响消费者对在线安全问题看法的因素方面进行很大的改进。 The study will fully evaluate the problem in order to design an ecommerce website with high level of usability and enhanced with trustworthy. Consequently, as previously displayed of this problem research study is important because it throws light on the difficulty of using e-commerce and establishes why e-commerce adoption is risky. Further, this current study will be based on two directions, the first direction is framework for developing an improved e-commerce model with high level of usability, the second direction is to identify factors affecting consumer perception with regard to e-commerce application in Libya and the other factors associated with online purchasing decisions.


有很多文献和研究考察了影响电子商务应用可用性、可信赖性的因素,以及为电子商务应用提供高安全性对消费者感知的影响。[2]表明可用性是网站生存的一个非常重要的条件。如果一个网站很难使用,人们就会离开。如果主页不能清楚地说明公司提供什么,用户可以在网站上做什么,人们就会离开。如果用户在一个网站上迷路了,他们就会离开。如果一个网站的信息难以阅读或不能回答用户的关键问题,他们会在[2]上声明还有很多其他网站可用;当用户遇到困难时,离开是第一道防线。[3]发现电子商务信任度可以通过以下几个要素来实现:产品质量、支付安全系统、电子客户关系管理、网站质量和交货时间。[3]补充说,在电子商务环境中,信任越来越多。这解释了为什么人们越来越多地在网上购物。我们看到很多纯玩家的典型特征都是真正的优势。 First is the website quality; this is the interface between firm and customers instead of a salesperson. Companies totally understood the importance of it and are careful with the quality and the ease of use. [4] found that there are some methods used within e-commerce that contribute trust and security and emphasized on the importance to provide solutions in order to gain a secure and trustworthy e-commerce for all firms that are involved in online businesses. They showed that within some companies the required competence for having a secured e-commerce is not there, and that some companies are overconfidence about the security of their system. Their study also shows that the consumers’ experience is very important in order to trust a Web shop. How a user experiences a Web shop could be decisive for his/her trust towards the Web shops. This study substantiates that some Web shops put lots of effort rather, on asking better the consumers’ experience of a Web site, than on the technological factors. [5] found that in order to achieve an informed and computer-literate society, IT and Internet access has to be widespread. The online populations in Libya are “infants” and it must be admitted that the level of Internet knowledge is shallow compared to developed countries or even compared to other developing country like Malaysia .The young generation will form the new market place. As the growth of the Internet in Libya continues, peoples' perception will begin to change and fears will begin to reside as they gain understanding of the technology and how to use it. Whereas [6] has found that there was few websites offer delivery to Libya. Currently, hardly one percent of retailers in the country are involved in e-commerce. A major hindrance to Libya's involvement in electronic businesses is the enterprise attitude [7] conducted a study for a country still in the early stage of implementing and using e-commerce, they concluded that the main concern for users is the reputation of the company, they are looking for a well-known company, and people in Jordan for example deal with national companies like telecommunications because they have established names in the market. [8] have found that buyers are attracted to websites that satisfy them completely, as well as fulfill their affective needs. Various researches on buyer behavior has concluded that buyers attempt to gratify their needs of enjoyment, relaxation and interaction with websites [9] found that several factors have been identified as having influence on the customer’s perception of security, such as attitude toward security, user’s knowledge and experience of security features, ease of use of the interface and presentation of the website.


在本研究中,研究者使用了定性和定量的混合方法,因为这两种方法是相辅相成的,而且两种方法的使用也有助于对研究变量如电子商务应用的可信赖因素和用户的网上购买意识做出准确的结论。本研究中的定性研究将在本研究的早期阶段。本研究的下一部分是定量方法。使用定性方法是为了探索和了解消费者的经验,态度,背景,行为和互动的互联网用户打算在网上购买商品。选择定性方法的原因是对利比亚采用电子商务有一个完整而详细的描述,这将有助于研究人员确定利比亚公司在吸引互联网用户访问其网站并通过其电子商务应用程序购买商品方面面临的主要障碍和技术困难。在本研究的下一阶段使用定量研究的原因是通过统计工具更好地了解影响电子商务网站可信度的因素,以预测利比亚公司安装值得信赖的电子商务应用程序的未来,定量方法提供了仅使用定性方法无法预测的准确结果,因此,采用定量分析将为研究的最终结论提供较高的可靠性。本研究将同时利用二手资料和原始资料。本研究主要数据的收集方式是采用访谈和统计调查的方法,这是一种用来系统地收集电子商务从业信息的方法,也用来了解网上购物者的态度和背景。本研究将使用SPSS (Statistical Package for The Social Sciences)对收集到的数据进行统计分析。 SPSS Statistics is a software package used for statistical analysis, the software is used for survey authoring and deployment (IBM SPSS Data Collection), data mining, text analytics, and collaboration and deployment (batch and automated scoring services). The correlation matrix will be applied in this study in order to identify the relationships between the study variables and identifying which are the most affecting factors on e-commerce implementation and trustworthy. The output of the analysis on behavioral and technical data will be used to formulate the model for secure environment in e-commerce applications.




主要作者在此衷心感谢他的导师Dr. Kamarudin Saadan给予的宝贵指导和建议。在此,我们也要向支持我们完成这篇研究论文的USIM科学技术学院表示衷心的感谢。我们还要感谢我们的合作伙伴,利比亚布雷加高等职业能力建设学院的乌萨马·哈马德博士研究员。


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