




收到:06 - jun - 2022,手稿。jchem - 22 - 66494;编辑分配:09 - jun - 2022, PreQC不。jchem - 22 - 66494 (PQ);综述:截止2022年6月23日,QC no.jchem - 22 - 66494;修改后:截止2022年6月30,手稿不。jchem - 22 - 66494 (R);发表:08 - 2022年7月,DOI: 10.4172 / 2319 - 9849.11.5.001




此外,大气中二氧化碳含量上升导致海洋酸化,对海洋生态系统有不利影响。国际社会同意修复海洋的化学是一个首要任务和进展这一目标跟踪作为可持续发展目标的一部分。化学海洋学家是跨学科研究的科学家们天然和人造化学物质的分布和反应在全球范围内的分子。化学海洋学家通常工作问题包括物理海洋学、地质和地球化学、生物学和生物化学和大气科学由于海洋的互联性。许多化学海洋学家研究生物地球化学循环与海洋碳循环引起人们的特别关注由于其意义在碳封存和酸化。分析化学的海洋,海洋污染气候变化和人类的其他一些重要的感兴趣的主题。CDOM被认为是大约20% -70%的海洋的碳含量低浓度更高的河口附近和在开放海域。海洋生物有一个非常相似的生物化学的陆地生物,除了,他们生活在一个咸的环境。海洋生物是最多产的卤代有机化合物由于其适应性。极端微生物生长在极端的温度,压力,黑暗和海洋提供了独特的海洋环境。 A global scale ion-exchange system is seafloor spreading on mid-ocean ridges. Iron, sulphur, manganese, silicon and other elements are released into the ocean by hydrothermal vents near spreading centres and some of these elements are recycled into the ocean crust. Hydrothermal vents generate helium, an isotope associated with mantle volcanism that can be found in plumes inside the ocean. On mid-ocean ridges, spreading rates range from 10 to 200 mm per year. Increased basalt interactions with seawater are caused by rapid spreading rates. Because more magnesium ions are removed from saltwater and eaten by the rock and more calcium ions are removed from the rock and returned to seawater, the magnesium/calcium ratio will be lower. The ridge crest's hydrothermal action is effective in removing magnesium. Low-Mg calcite polymorphs of calcium carbonate are more likely to form when the Mg/Ca ratio is low. When substances utilized or spread by people such as industrial, agricultural, residential trash, particulates, noise, excess carbon dioxide, or invading creatures, reach the water and have adverse impacts, this is referred to as marine pollution. The majority of this trash (80%) comes from land-based activities, although marine transportation also plays a considerable role. Because the majority of inputs come from land, whether through rivers, sewage or the atmosphere, continental shelves are more susceptible to pollution. Air pollution contributes to ocean contamination by transporting iron, carbonic acid, nitrogen, silicon, sulphur, pesticides, and dust particles. Nonpoint sources of pollution, such as agricultural runoff, wind-blown debris and dust are common. The majority of these nonpoint sources are due to runoff that enters the ocean through pipes. The capture of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere causes ocean acidification, which is the continual reduction in the pH value of the Earth's seas. The burning of fossil fuels by humans is the primary cause of ocean acidification. The amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the ocean grows in lockstep with the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This causes a chain of chemical reactions in the seawater, which has a deleterious impact on the ocean and marine life. Carbonic acid is formed when carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater. Chemical oceanographers gather and quantify compounds in saltwater using analytical chemistry tools such as pH meters, electrical conductivity meters, fluorometers and dissolved CO2米,以及其他乐器。大部分的数据是通过船载测量聚集和自主浮动或浮标,但遥感也工作。仪是用来检测电导率、温度和压力在一个海洋调查船,通常安装在玫瑰南森瓶收集海水进行研究。一盒去心器或沉积区被广泛用于研究沉积物和年长的沉积物可以恢复通过科学钻探。