




收到:07- 01 -2022,稿件编号:joms - 22 - 52333;编辑分配:09- 01 -2022,预qcJOMS 22 - 52333 (PQ);综述了: 2022年1月21日,QC号JOMS 22 - 52333;修改后:2022年1月23日,稿件编号:JOMS 22 - 52333 (R);发表:2018年1月30日,DOI: 10.4172/2321-6212.10.1.005




陶瓷材料因其独特的性能在材料工程、电气工程、化学工程、机械工程等领域有着广泛的应用。由于陶瓷是耐热的,它们可以用于金属和聚合物无效的各种活动。采矿、航空航天、医疗、炼油、食品和化工、包装科学、电子、工业和传输电力、引导光波传输只是使用陶瓷材料的几个行业。1709年,亚伯拉罕·达比(Abraham Darby)使用焦炭来提高英国什罗普郡(Shropshire)冶炼过程的生产率。焦炭目前常用来制造碳化物陶瓷。1759年,乔赛亚·韦奇伍德在英国特伦特河畔的斯托克建立了世界上第一家现代陶瓷厂。1888年,在俄罗斯为纺织工业工作的奥地利科学家卡尔·约瑟夫·拜耳发现了从铝土矿中分离氧化铝的方法。拜耳工艺仍然用于陶瓷和铝工业,以净化氧化铝。大约在1880年,皮埃尔和雅克·居里兄弟在罗谢尔盐中发现了压电性。压电性是电陶瓷最重要的特性之一。 In 1893, E.G. Acheson created carborundum, or synthetic silicon carbide, by heating a mixture of coke and clay. Around the same time as Acheson, Henri Moissan created SiC and tungsten carbide in his electric arc furnace in Paris. In 1923, in Germany, Karl Schröter employed liquid-phase sintering to link or "cement" Moissan's tungsten carbide particles with cobalt. Hardened steel cutting tools with cemented (metal-bonded) carbide edges last much longer. In the 1920s, W.H. Nernst in Berlin created cubic-stabilized zirconia. In exhaust systems, this substance is employed as an oxygen sensor. The biggest drawback to using ceramics in engineering is their brittleness. The necessity for high-performance materials arose as a result of World War II's military requirements, which aided the advancement of ceramic research and engineering. New types of ceramics were produced in response to breakthroughs in atomic energy, electronics, communications, and space flight during the 1960s and 1970s. Since the discovery of ceramic superconductors in 1986, researchers have been working hard to produce superconducting ceramic parts for electronic devices, electric motors, and transportation vehicles. In the military, there is a growing demand for high-strength, durable materials that can transmit light in the visible (0.4–0.7 micrometres) and mid-infrared (1–5 micrometres) areas of the spectrum. These materials are required for transparent armour applications. Transparent armour is a substance or system of materials that is optically transparent while yet providing protection against fragmentation and ballistic impacts. The primary need for a transparent armour system is to be able to defeat the targeted threat while also providing a multi-hit capability with minimal distortion of the surrounding environment. Night vision equipment must be compatible with transparent armour windows. The search is on for new materials that are thinner, lighter, and have greater ballistic performance. Optical fibres for guided lightwave transmission, optical switches, laser amplifiers and lenses, hosts for solid-state lasers and optical window materials for gas lasers, and Infrared (IR) heat seeking devices for missile guidance systems and IR night vision are just a few of the applications for solid-state components in the electrooptical field.


由氧化铝、碳化硼和碳化硅等陶瓷制成的防弹背心已被用于转移轻武器步枪的火力。创伤板是此类板最流行的名称。由于重量轻,类似的材料被用来保护一些军用飞机的驾驶舱。陶瓷球轴承有氮化硅组件。由于硬度增强,它们不易磨损,使用寿命可延长三倍。它们在负载下的变形也更少,通过减少与轴承保持壁的接触,使它们滚动得更快。雷竞技网页版滚动过程中摩擦产生的热量会导致金属轴承在高速应用中出现问题,这可以通过使用陶瓷来缓解。陶瓷轴承也比钢轴承更耐化学腐蚀,允许它们在潮湿的环境中使用,在那里钢轴承会腐蚀。采用陶瓷的最大缺点是成本高得多。它们的电绝缘特性在许多情况下可用于轴承。 Toyota investigated the production of an adiabatic ceramic engine capable of operating at temperatures of over 6000°F (3300°C) in the early 1980s. Ceramic engines do not require a cooling system, allowing for significant weight savings and improved fuel efficiency. According to Carnot's theorem, the engine's fuel efficiency is also higher at high temperatures.
